Monday 2 April 2012

Louise Page - Time Crash special

If you’ve been following the Louise Page interviews on my suit recently, you will have heard all about ties David Tennant wore.

I’ve been limiting my questioning to the costumes worn by The Doctor, and there are still some more interview bites to come, so watch out for those.
But before we hear more about David Tennant costume, I thought we’d discover the full story behind the dressing of another Doctor: the Fifth, played by Peter Davison.

In 2008 when Doctor Who participated in that year’s Children In Need of appeal, they approached Peter Davison to return to the role of The Doctor.

At first glance assembling the original costume was a relatively easy job, but Louise found nothing is ever really that simple.

Thanks to Kevin Coppa for giving the interview clips the polished look, and enormous thanks to Louise Page for sharing her memories of dressing the Tenth Doctor with us all

1 comment:

  1. Oh! I assumed they had taken more than just the trousers from the Blackpool exhibition.

    I remember it being spoken about around town when this was going on.
    Interesting to see where they got the bits and pieces from.

    I wonder... Did they let Peter keep the newly put together costume's additional pieces?

    It would be a shame to not give him a nice full set given he only had parts of the costume at home.


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